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MSRB Notice

MSRB Announces Dates for Webinars about the Submission Process for Advance Refunding Documents and 529 College Savings Plan Documents to the Electronic Municipal Market Access System (EMMA)

On May 21, 2009, the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”) received approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission to launch an electronic system for free public access to, among other things, primary market disclosure documents through the MSRB’s  Electronic Municipal Market Access (“EMMA”) system, as well as to amend and consolidate current Rules G-32 and G-36 into new Rule G-32, on new issue disclosure, and replace current Forms G-36(OS) and G-36(ARD) with new Form G-32 for the purpose of establishing an electronic official statement dissemination standard in the municipal securities market (the “permanent primary market disclosure service”) effective June 1, 2009.[1] The MSRB previously published final specifications for the automated submission interface of the permanent primary market disclosure service of EMMA.[2]  

In anticipation of the June 1, 2009 launch of operations of the permanent primary market disclosure service of EMMA, the MSRB, on June 2, 2009 and June 4, 2009, will host two webinars for brokers, dealers and municipal securities dealers, acting as underwriters, placement agents or remarketing agents, and by their designated agents. The webinars will provide an overview of the submission process for municipal fund securities, including 529 college savings plans, and the submission of advance refunding documents on the permanent primary market disclosure service of EMMA. These are “follow-on” webinars to those previously presented webinars which covered basic primary market disclosure document submissions. Content from the earlier webinars is available here.

Two webinars are offered. Each webinar will last approximately one hour. Pre-registration is required and must be completed via the links below. There is no charge to attend.

Sessions on Submissions of Advance Refunding Documents, 529 College Savings Plans and Other Municipal Fund Information to EMMA

June 2, 2009 11:00 am ET.  To register, click here
June 4, 2009 11:00 am ET.  To register, click here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to join the webinar session at its respective time.  Please click on the link approximately ten minutes before the session start time.  You will be directed to download the GoTo Webinar manager, and will then be given a Dial in Number, Access Code, and Audio PIN.  Please make sure to enter the Audio PIN so that you may be granted speaking privileges.  All attendees will automatically be muted upon entering the session.  If you would like to ask a question, please click on the hand tool to raise your hand.  The presenter will recognize your request and un-mute you to ask a question.  Due to the large volume of attendees, we are only able to un-mute 25 attendees at a time.  Please click on the hand tool to lower your hand if your question has already been answered. 

If you have any questions about connecting to GoTo Webinar, please contact our Meeting and Event Planner, Tina Hanachi, at 703-797-6600, or call GoTo Webinar technical support at 1-800-263-6317.

Questions about the topics covered at the conference calls may be directed to a Transaction Reporting Assistant at 703-797-6668.

May 28, 2009