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Interpretive Guidance - Interpretive Letters
Publication date:
Disclosure obligations

Disclosure obligations. This is in response to your letters dated March 18, 1998 and March 31, 1998 in which you present an example where a dealer advertises a specific municipal security which it knows, or has reason to know, is subject to a material adverse circumstance such as a technical default. You ask whether a dealer is obligated to include disclosure information indicating that a bond is subject to additional risk in order to avoid publishing a false or misleading advertisement as prohibited by rule G-21(c).  The Board reviewed your letters and has authorized this response. 

Section (c) of rule G-21 provides, among other things, that no dealer shall publish any advertisement[1] concerning municipal securities which such dealer knows or has reason to know is materially false or misleading. The Board has previously interpreted the rule as not requiring that any specific statements or information be included in an advertisement but that any statement or information that is included must not be materially false or misleading.  Thus, if a dealer makes a statement in an advertisement that explicitly or implicitly refers to the soundness or safety of an investment in the municipal securities described in the advertisement, such dealer must include any information necessary to ensure that the advertisement is not materially false or misleading with respect to the soundness or safety of such investment. The rule establishes a general ethical standard that provides the enforcement agencies with the flexibility that is needed to evaluate advertisements in light of what information is printed and how the information physically is presented.  Thus, the enforcement agencies should continue to evaluate advertisements on a case-by-case basis to make a determination whether any such advertisements, in fact, are misleading. 

You also ask whether the relative specificity of any such disclosure obligation that may exist depends on the level of detail provided about the municipal security. As stated above, rule G-21 does not require that any specific statements or information be included in an advertisement but that any statement or information that is included must not be materially false or misleading. Thus, the nature and extent of any disclosures or other explanatory statements that must be included in an advertisement is dependent upon the substance and form of the information presented in the advertisement.

The Board wishes to emphasize that the enforcement agencies should remain cognizant of certain other rules of the Board that may be relevant in evaluating whether a dealer's advertisement and such dealer's interactions with customers or potential customers that arise as a result of such advertisement are in conformity with Board rules. Thus, depending upon the facts and circumstances, an advertisement for a particular municipal security that on its face conforms with the requirements of rule G-21 may nonetheless be violative of rule G-17, the Board's fair dealing rule,[2] if, for example, the advertisement is designed as a “bait-and-switch” mechanism that attracts potential customers interested in an advertised security that the dealer is not in a legitimate position to sell (because of its unavailability, unsuitability or otherwise) for the primary purpose of creating a captive audience for the offering of other securities. In addition, a dealer that in fact sells the municipal securities that are described in its advertisement must fulfill its obligations  under rule G-19, on suitability, and rule G-30, on pricing. MSRB interpretation of May 21, 1998.

[1] “Advertisement” is defined in rule G-21 as any material (other than listings of offerings) published or designed for use in the public, including electronic, media, or any promotional literature designed for dissemination to the public, including any notice, circular, report, market letter, form letter, telemarketing script or reprint or excerpt of the foregoing. The term does not apply to preliminary official statements or official statements, but does apply to abstracts or summaries of official statements, offering circulars and other such similar documents prepared by dealers. 

[2] Rule G-17 requires each dealer, in the conduct of its municipal securities business, to deal fairly with all persons and prohibits the dealer from engaging in any deceptive, dishonest or unfair practice.

Notice 1998-11 - Informational Notice
Publication date:
Notice 1998-12 - Informational Notice
Publication date:
Interpretive Guidance - Interpretive Notices
Publication date:
Availability of Board Rules

Rule G-29, on availability of Board rules, requires dealers to keep a copy of all rules of the Board as from time to time in effect and to make such rules available for examination by customers promptly upon request. The Board's rules must be kept in each office in which any activities of a municipal securities representative are conducted (e.g., underwriting, trading or sales of municipal securities).

Dealers can meet the requirements of Rule G-29 by a number of different means, including by having Internet access in their offices to the Board's rules at its website ( Dealers can also use printed versions of the rules or software products produced by other companies that contain the Board's rules. Regardless of the method used to ensure that a copy of the rules is available at each office, customers must be given access to such copies, whether in printed form or by viewing on screen.

In connection with Rule G-29, the Board reminds dealers that Rule G-27, on supervision, requires each dealer to supervise the conduct of its municipal securities business and the municipal securities activities of its associated persons to ensure compliance with Board rules. Dealers should review their supervisory procedures to ensure that they have procedures in place for making the Board's rules available and accessible to customers upon request in each office that engages in municipal securities activities. In addition, the supervisory procedures should address how the dealer will provide its offices with the most current version of the rules once they are in effect so that its securities professionals are alerted to new developments. A dealer may establish a procedure to obtain information about current rule amendments from notices posted on the Board's website.

NOTE: This notice was revised to reflect the discontinuation, effective January 1, 2014, of the MSRB's printed version of the MSRB Rule Book.

Notice MSRB Releases Correspondence with SEC - Informational Notice
Publication date:
Notice 1998-10 - Informational Notice
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Notice 1998-07 - Informational Notice
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Notice 1998-05 - Informational Notice
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Notice 1998-04 - Informational Notice
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Notice 1998-03 - Informational Notice
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Notice 1998-02 - Informational Notice
Publication date:
Interpretive Guidance - Interpretive Letters
Publication date:
Multiple Underwriters

Multiple underwriters.  This is in response to your letter in which you ask us whether a dealer that serves in the capacity as settlement agent for an issuer, as described in your letter, is obligated to file Form G-36(OS) in connection with a primary offering of municipal securities sold and delivered in the manner described in your letter.

           Board rule G-36 obligates an underwriter in any primary offering of municipal securities that is subject to Rule 15c2-12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission to send to the Board, within one business day after receipt of the final official statement from the issuer, but no later than 10 business days after any final agreement to purchase, offer or sell the municipal securities, two copies of the final official statement and two copies of completed Form G-36 (OS).[1] In the event a syndicate or similar account has been formed for the underwriting of a primary offering, the managing underwriter is obligated to undertake, on behalf of the syndicate or account, the duty of sending the official statement and Form G-36(OS) to the Board.[2]

The obligation to comply with the requirements of rule G-36 and the related recordkeeping requirements of rule G-8(a)(xv) attaches to all underwriters in a primary offering that is subject to rule G-36. The only circumstance in which these rules permit an underwriter to depend upon another party to fulfill such obligation is when another underwriter has taken on the duties of a managing underwriter for a syndicate or similar account formed for the particular underwriting, in which case the rules place responsibility for compliance on such managing underwriter. Thus, in any primary offering in which more than one dealer is serving as underwriter (within the meaning of federal securities laws) for the same municipal securities without having formed an underwriting syndicate or similar account, each such underwriter (regardless of its stated capacity as settlement agent or otherwise) is individually obligated to comply with the requirements of rule G-36 and the related recordkeeping requirements of rule G-8(a)(xv).  MSRB interpretation of January 30, 1998.



[1]           Rule G-36 also obligates an underwriter in any primary offering of municipal securities that is not subject to SEC Rule 15c2-12 (other than a limited placement within the meaning of SEC Rule 15c2-12(d)(1)(i)) for which the issuer has prepared an official statement in final form to send to the Board, within one business day after delivery of the securities by the issuer to the underwriters, two copies of the official statement in final form and two copies of completed Form G-36(OS).

[2]           The managing underwriter is also required to undertake all recordkeeping duties imposed under rule G-8(a)(xv) in connection with rule G-36.

Notice 1997-21 - Informational Notice
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Notice 1997-19 - Informational Notice
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Notice 1997-20 - Informational Notice
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Notice 1997-18 - Informational Notice
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Notice 1997-17 - Informational Notice
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Interpretive Guidance - Interpretive Letters
Publication date:
Purchase of New Issue From Issuer
Rule Number:

Rule G-17

Purchase of new issue from issuer. This is in response to your letter in which you ask whether Board rule G-17, on fair dealing, or any other rule, regulation or federal law, requires an underwriter to purchase a bond issue from a municipal securities issuer at a “fair price.”

Rule G-17 states that, in the conduct of its municipal securities business, each broker, dealer and municipal securities dealer shall deal fairly with all persons and shall not engage in any deceptive, dishonest, or unfair practice. Thus, the rule requires dealers to deal fairly with issuers in connection with the underwriting of their municipal securities.  Whether or not an underwriter has dealt fairly with an issuer is dependent upon the facts and circumstances of an underwriting and cannot be addressed simply by virtue of the price of the issue. For example, in a competitive underwriting where an issuer reserves the right to reject all bids, a dealer submits a bid at a net interest cost it believes will enable it to successfully market the issue to investors. One could not view a dealer as having violated rule G-17 just because it did not submit a bid that the issuer considers fair. On the other hand, when a dealer is negotiating the underwriting of municipal securities, a dealer has an obligation to negotiate in good faith with the issuer. If the dealer represents to the issuer that it is providing the best market price available on this issue, and this is not the case, the dealer may violate rule G-17. Also, if the dealer knows the issuer is unsophisticated or otherwise depending on the dealer as its sole source of market information, the dealer’s duty under rule G-17 is to ensure that the issuer is treated fairly, specifically in light of the relationship of reliance that exists between the issuer and the underwriter. MSRB interpretation of December 1, 1997.

Notice 1997-13 - Informational Notice
Publication date: