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Contact:          Jennifer A. Galloway, Chief Communications Officer
                      (703) 797-6600


Alexandria, VA −The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) today announced a series of webinars offered this fall designed to assist municipal securities market participants with using MSRB’s market information services. The MSRB is committed to ongoing training to ensure compliance with MSRB and Securities and Exchange Commission rules, and has planned a schedule of free webinars to be delivered from September through December 2010.

The webinars will provide training for municipal securities dealers, issuers and other entities that submit documents and data to the MSRB through its Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) system. Webinars for the investing public will also be offered to provide instruction on navigating EMMA and locating municipal securities data and documents on the site.

Pre-registration for all webinars is required and can be completed via the links below. There is no charge to attend and each session will last about an hour. Registration can also be completed in the Events and Training section of

Information about scheduled MSRB Market Information webinars can be found below.

Primary Market Program Overview
Who should attend: Municipal securities underwriters, dealers and their agents that submit official statements to EMMA.  This webinar will provide training on accessing Gateway and submitting primary disclosure documents to EMMA Dataport.  

September 20, 2010, 2 pm ET. To register, click here.
September 23, 2010, 2 pm ET. To register, click here.
October 19, 2010, 2 pm ET.  To register, click here.
October 21, 2010, 2 pm ET.  To register, click here.

Remarketing and Advance Refunding Submissions

Who should attend: Municipal securities underwriters, dealers and their agents that submit documents to EMMA.  This webinar will provide training on accessing Gateway and the submission of special case primary market submissions, including remarketing and advanced refunding documents to EMMA Dataport. 

September 27,2010, 2 pm ET.  To register, click here.
September 29, 2010, 2 pm ET.  To register, click here.
October 12, 2010, 2 pm ET.  To register, click here.
October 14, 2010, 2 pm ET.  To register, click here.

529 College Savings Plans Submission Overview
Who should attend: 529 college savings plan primary distributors, issuers and their agents. These presentations will provide an overview of the 529 primary market and training on accessing Gateway and the submission process for plan disclosure documents, supplements and continuing disclosure documents, such as financial reports, to EMMA.

October 27, 2010, 2 pm ET. To register, click here.
November 30, 2010, 2 pm ET. To register, click here.

Continuing Disclosure Program Overview
Who should attend: Municipal bond issuers, obligated persons and agents. This webinar will provide an overview of the process for submitting continuing disclosure documents and training on accessing Gateway, controlling securities, creating groups, and the submission process to EMMA.

November 9, 2010, 2 pm ET. To register, click here.
November 11, 2010, 2 pm ET. To register, click here.
November 15, 2010, 9 am ET. To register, click here.
November 17, 2010, 9 am ET. To register, click here.

Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) Navigation Overview
Who should attend: Any user of the EMMA, the MSRB's free website with comprehensive market data and documents about municipal bonds. This webinar will provide training on various EMMA screens, navigation of primary information tabs, and how to search for a specific security using the Advance Muni Search.

November 9, 2010, 9 am ET.  To register, click here.
November 11,2010, 9 am ET.  To register, click here.
December 7, 2010, 2 pm ET.   To register, click here.
December 9, 2010, 2 pm ET.  To register, click here. 

Real-Time Trade Reporting System (RTRS)
Level 1 – RTRS Web Navigation
Who should attend: Municipal securities dealers that report transactions to the MSRB’s Real-time Transaction Reporting System (RTRS) in compliance with Rules G-14 and G-12(f), and that use the RTRS web system to access trade data. Level 1 is geared toward new RTRS users and will cover topics including signing in to the system, trade management, basic search, special condition codes, error code review and data quality reports. 

October 12, 2010, 2 pm ET. To register, click here.

RTRS Level 2 – RTRS Web Navigation

October 13, 2010, 2 pm ET.  To register, click here.

Who should attend: Municipal securities dealers that report transactions to the MSRB’s Real-time Transaction Reporting System (RTRS) in compliance with Rules G-14 and G-12(f), and that use the RTRS web system to access trade data. Level 2 is geared toward experienced users already familiar with the RTRS Web system and will cover advanced topics including trade reversals, step-out trades and destination code errors, reconciling dealer data quality reports.

Short-Term Obligation Rate Transparency (SHORT) Program Overview
Who should attend: Municipal securities dealers that report auction rate securities and variable rate demand obligation data to the MSRB’s SHORT system. The coverage will include navigation on SHORT Web UI, reporting ARS/VRDO resets, required vs. optional data elements, modifying and cancelling reports.          

November 11, 2010 2 pm ET. To register, click here.  
MSRB Gateway Level 1
Who should attend: 
Municipal securities dealers and others that create and manage groups of users and manage account administrators. Level 1 is intended for users with no account management responsibilities and will cover basic access and navigation.   

Municipal securities dealers and others that create and manage groups of users and manage account administrators. Level 1 is intended for users with no account management responsibilities and will cover basic access and navigation.   

October 5, 2010, 2 pm ET. To register, click here. 

MSRB Gateway Level 2
Who should attend:
Municipal securities dealers and others that create and manage groups of users and manage account administrators. Level 2 is geared toward Gateway account managers and will cover managing user accounts, invitations and confirmations.

October 7, 2010, 2 pm ET. To register, click here.


The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) was established by Congress in 1975 with the mission to protect investors, issuers and the public interest and to promote efficiency, competition and capital formation. MSRB is a private, self-regulatory organization governed by an independent board of directors with market knowledge and expertise. MSRB does not receive federal appropriations and is funded primarily through fees paid by regulated entities. MSRB is overseen by Congress and the Securities and Exchange Commission.