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MSRB Notice

The MSRB and The Muni Council Announce a Long-Range Planning Session on the Municipal Securities Market Disclosure System

The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board will be hosting a two-day long-range planning session on October 22-23, 2001 focusing on the disclosure system in the municipal securities primary and secondary markets. The planning session is an outgrowth of the May 31, 2001 MSRB Disclosure Roundtable at which many of the leading industry groups undertook an historic first step toward collaboration on creating a more efficient and effective marketplace. The groups participating in this long-range planning process – under the umbrella name of The Muni Council – include the American Bankers Association, Association for Investment Management and Research, Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities, Government Finance Officers Association, Healthcare Financial Management Association, Investment Company Institute, Investment Counsel Association of America, Municipal Advisory Council of Texas, National Association of Bond Lawyers, National Association of Independent Public Finance Advisors, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Treasurers, National Council of Health Facilities Finance Authorities, National Council of State Housing Agencies, National Federation of Municipal Analysts, and The Bond Market Association.

July 25, 2001