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2020 Municipal Bond Market in Review
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Detailed analysis of the municipal market during the market dislocation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Competitive Bidding for Primary Offerings of Municipal Securities: More Bids, Better Pricing for Issuers?
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New research by MSRB Chief Economist Simon Wu analyzes the pricing benefits of increased competitive bidding activity in the municipal securities market.

Different Buying Patterns of Retail and Institutional Investors in Municipal Bonds
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Analysis of buyers of lower coupon municipal bonds and associated risks.

Mark-up Disclosure and Trading in the Municipal Bond Market
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Analysis of trading behavior in the year since the implementation of mark-up disclosure.

Dealer Participation and Concentration in Municipal Securities Trading
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Analysis of trends and changes in municipal securities dealer’s participation and concentration.

Analysis of Municipal Securities Pre-Trade Data from Alternative Trading Systems
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Analysis of pre-trade quote data for municipal securities available to market participants on alternative trading systems (ATSs).

Transaction Costs for Customer Trades in the Municipal Bond Market: What is Driving the Decline?
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MSRB Chief Economist’s analysis of reasons for the steady decline in effective spread.

Timing of Annual Financial Disclosures by Issuers of Municipal Securities
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MSRB analysis of the timing of annual continuing disclosure submissions and changes over time.

Report on Secondary Market Trading in the Municipal Securities Market
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Report on municipal market trading patterns, associated pricing and the effect of price transparency on pricing.

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Statistical report on trading, interest rate and other characteristics of the municipal variable rate securities market.

Build America bonds Issuance and Trade Activity, 2009
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Analysis of the primary and secondary markets for Build America Bonds (BABs).