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Second Quarter 2024 Municipal Securities Market Summary
Publication date:

MSRB quarterly market summaries discuss key developments in yields, trading volume, new issuance, and mutual fund flows in the municipal bond market.

First Quarter 2024 Municipal Securities Market Summary
Publication date:

MSRB quarterly market summaries discuss key developments in yields, trading volume, new issuance, and mutual fund flows in the municipal bond market.

Use of External Liquidity in the Municipal Market — 2023 Update
Publication date:

MSRB report examines the use of external liquidity in the municipal securities market and changes since its November 2021 report.

Third Quarter 2023 Municipal Securities Market Summary
Publication date:

MSRB quarterly market summaries discuss key developments in yields, trading volume, new issuance, and mutual fund flows in the municipal bond market.

Non-Transaction-Based Compensation (NTBC) Trade Reporting
Publication date:

An MSRB report on how municipal securities trades tagged with a non-transaction-based-compensation (NTBC) indicator have changed since 2016, when the MSRB began requiring their reporting…

Second Quarter 2023 Municipal Securities Market Summary
Publication date:

MSRB quarterly market summaries discuss key developments in yields, trading volume, new issuance, and mutual fund flows in the municipal bond market.

First Quarter 2023 Municipal Securities Market Summary
Publication date:

MSRB quarterly market summaries discuss key developments in yields, trading volume, new issuance, and mutual fund flows in the municipal bond market.

2022 Municipal Bond Market in Review
Publication date:

Detailed analysis of the municipal market detailing significantly higher interest rates, record outflows from tax-exempt mutual funds and a record number of trades.

2022 Mid-Year Market Update
Publication date:

Read about significant changes in the municipal bond market in the first half of 2022. Details in the MSRB’s latest analysis.

2021 Municipal Market Trading Update
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Trade analysis of first eight months of 2021 and comparison with the same period of previous years.

Overview of the Taxable Municipal Bond Market
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Detailed analysis of the municipal taxable bond market, significant increases in 2020 and historical changes.

Non-Transaction Based Compensation (NTBC) Trade Reporting
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Summary statistics on Non-Transaction Based Compensation (NTBC) Trade Reporting.

Municipal Securities Market Sees Noticeable Shift in Buying Patterns
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Market summary of municipal market trading and shifts in market behavior and structure since 2010, driven by customer purchases.

2020 Municipal Bond Market in Review
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Detailed analysis of the municipal market during the market dislocation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Municipal Securities Pre-Trade Market Activity: What Has Changed Since 2015?
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Pre-trade market activity for the period from June 1, 2018, through November 30, 2018.

Dealer Participation and Concentration in Municipal Securities Trading
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Analysis of trends and changes in municipal securities dealer’s participation and concentration.

Analysis of Municipal Securities Pre-Trade Data from Alternative Trading Systems
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Analysis of pre-trade quote data for municipal securities available to market participants on alternative trading systems (ATSs).