Recommendations Requested for Board Nominations |
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The 1999 Nominating Committee requests recommendations of persons to be considered for five Board positions opening on October 1, 1999. |
The Board, established by Congress in 1975 to act as the primary rulemaking body for the municipal securities industry, consists of 15 members—five representatives of bank dealers, five representatives of securities firms and five public members. One public member must represent issuers and one investors. Public members may not be associated with a securities firm or bank dealer other than by reason of being under common control with, or directly controlling, any broker or dealer which is not a municipal securities broker or municipal securities dealer.
When making recommendations, keep these Board membership requirements in mind:
1. Complete the form printed on the following page or a photocopy of that form. (Additional forms may be obtained from the Board's offices). The following information must be included on the form:
2. Determine in advance that the individual recommended is willing to serve on the Board.
3. Submit recommendations no later than March 12, 1999 to:
Robert Dean Pope
Chairman, Nominating Committee
Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
1150 18th Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington, D.C. 20036
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