This data is in ASCII text format . In the record, each field is enclosed by quotes, and each pair of fields is separated by commas, for example: "82", "1638". Null values are represented by adjacent quotes: "" Each record ends with a comma.
CUSIP Number
The CUSIP number of the issue traded. Alphanumeric, AAAAAA-AA-A.
Security Description
Description of the issue traded. Alphanumeric, up to120 characters.
Dated Date
Dated date of the issue. MM/DD/YYYY format.
Interest rate of the issue. Format: 999.999 where 9 represents a digit. The decimal point is shown.
Maturity Date
Maturity date of the issue. MM/DD/YYYY format.
When-Issued Indicator
"Yes" if the issue was traded on or before the syndicate settlement date; otherwise null.
Assumed Settlement Date
For issues whose syndicate settlement date is not known on trade date, this field is a date 15 business days after trade date; otherwise null. MM/DD/YYYY format.
Trade Date
The date the trade was effected.
Time of Trade
The time of trade execution reported by the dealer. Four digits, military time (0000 – 2359). Note: "0000" is shown if no time was reported.
Par Traded
The par value of the trade. Commas within this field separate groups of digits, for example, “1,000,000” Up to 11 digits plus commas.
Dollar Price – Sale to Customer
If the trade was a sale by the dealer to a customer, the dollar price of the trade; otherwise null. Format: 9999999999.9999999. All Dollar Price and Yield fields include a decimal point.
Yield – Sale to Customer
If the trade was a sale by the dealer to a customer and yield was reported, the yield of the trade; otherwise null. S9999999999999999.999 where S is an optional minus sign.
Dollar Price – Purchase from Customer
If the trade was a purchase by the dealer from a customer, the dollar price of the trade; otherwise null. 9999999999.9999999.
Yield – Purchase from Customer
If the trade was a purchase by the dealer from a customer and yield was reported, the yield of the trade; otherwise null. S9999999999999999.999 where S is an optional minus sign.
Dollar Price – Inter-Dealer Trade
If the trade was between dealers, the dollar price of the trade; otherwise null. 9999999999.9999999.
Yield – Inter-Dealer Trade
If the trade was between dealers and yield was reported, the yield of the trade; otherwise null. S9999999999999999.999 where S is an optional minus sign