Volume 17, Number 1--JANUARY 1997
Associated Persons of Bank Dealers: Rule G-37
The Federal Reserve Board recently lifted restrictions on how bank securities
underwriting units market and conduct business with other bank affiliates. The new rules
will eliminate bans on connections between officers, dealers, and employees of Section 20
subsidiaries and affiliated banks. The Board is reminding bank dealers of the application
of rule G-37, on political contributions and prohibitions on municipal securities
business, to "municipal finance professionals," including associated persons of
dealers (see Section 3(a)(18) of the Securities Exchange Act) who solicit municipal
securities business from issuer officials. Also, these associated persons should be made
aware that the definition of "contribution" contained in rule G-37(g)(i)
includes, in addition to direct contributions to an official of an issuer, monies given
for transition or inaugural expenses and the payment of debt for an election.
In This Issue
- Reporting Customer Transactions to the Board
Amendment Approved: Rule G-14 Effective January 1, 1998, the amendment to rule G-14
requires dealers to report customer transactions in municipal securities to the Board for
inclusion in summary public reports and for market surveillance and enforcement purposes.
The amendment also requires dealers to obtain an executing broker symbol, effective
December 29, 1996, and to prepare for mandatory testing, to be conducted between July and
December 1997.
- Executing Broker Symbols
Notice: Rule G-14
Rule G-14 requires that every dealer obtain an executing
broker symbol.
- Political Contributions and Prohibitions on
Municipal Securities Business
Amendments Approved: Rules G-37 and G-8
The amendments: (i) amend the definition of "municipal finance
professional;" (ii) amend the definition of "executive officer;" (iii)
clarify the definition of "official of an issuer;" (iv) clarify the definition
of "municipal securities business;" and (v) require the retention of Forms
G-37/G-38 and the records of sending the forms.
- Questions and Answers Notice: Rule G-38
The Board is publishing a second Questions and Answers notice concerning consultants.
Also In This Issue
Rule and Amendments Approved: Rules G-39, G-21, G-8 and G-9
Use of Facsimile Transmissions for Close-Outs
Notice of Interpretation: Rule G-12(h)
Recommendations Requested for Board
- November 6
Effective date for amendments to rules G-37 and G-8
- November 29
Approval date of amendment to rule G-14
- December 16
Effective date for rule G-39 and related amendments
- December 29
Due date for obtaining an executing broker symbol
- January 31
Due date for Form G-37/G-38 to be filed with the Board (for
the period January 1, 1997-March 31, 1997)
- March 14
Due date for recommendation forms for Board nominations
- April 30
Due date for Form G-37/G-38 to be filed with the Board(for
the period January 1, 1997-March 31, 1997)
- July 1
Due date for dealers to begin testing customer transaction
reporting with the Board and for providing contact
information (on a form to be provided by the Board)
Publications List
Publications Order Form
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