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MSRB System Status History

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SHORT-Data Submissions ET ET The MSRB experienced an incident that resulted in a delay in availability of Market Transparency information.
RTRS ET ET The MSRB experienced an incident that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.
RTRS ET ET The MSRB experienced an incident that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.
RTRS ET ET The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) service that provides the MSRB with realtime transaction trade data information experienced an incident, that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.
RTRS ET ET The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) service that provides the MSRB with realtime transaction trade data information experienced an incident, that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.
RTRS ET ET The MSRB experienced an incident that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.
RTRS ET ET The MSRB experienced an incident that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.
RTRS ET ET The MSRB experienced an incident that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.
RTRS ET ET The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) service that provides the MSRB with realtime transaction trade data information experienced an incident, that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.
RTRS ET ET The MSRB experienced an incident that caused a delay in trade reporting and public availability of trade data.